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Author's Bio

Writing a bio can be very difficult, but some agents and most publishers demand it. If you don’t write it, they will and then you will have to accept what they write. It might make you feel like a cardboard cutout.

The biggest hurdle that I found was trying to give enough information without sounding boastful or arrogant. The important thing is to be honest and personnel. You can also check out the back pages of different books where there is a brief bio of the author. However, I feel if you show people that you are an average guy/girl that has a love for story telling it will be more appreciated.

I have attached my Bio below.


I am recently retired as Deputy Fire Chief for the Greater Sudbury Fire Service after 31 years and have experience with research, writing, deadlines, public speaking, and the media. I have experience with PTSD, multi-agency task forces, arson investigation and Coroner’s Inquests.

Most of my previous writing has been business plans and technical papers for municipal government. Since last fall, I have completed my first novel and am well on my way on my second.

I am a graduate of the Ontario Fire College and Ryerson’s Public Administration and Governance. I use to have a custom art business and have a portrait of former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien hanging in Rideau Hall in Ottawa. My artwork was called pyrography, which is a fancy name for wood burning; however, I burnt on paper. Currently, I am driving a special needs school bus which has allowed me to meet some incredible children.

I am married with three sons who are huge into hockey. We live in the arenas. I teach my children to reach for the stars.

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