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Beta Reader part deux

Okay, so you have sent your manuscript to the BR and after what seems like a lifetime, they send back the results. They may shine on your story or dump on certain sections.

How do you react?

Are you opened mined? Are you willing to rewrite to fix those issues that are identified?

Only you can answer that question.

If you are unable to take creative criticism, then why bother submitting, and wasting the BR’s time. These individuals are trying to help you, not hinder you. There is no conspiracy. As a beginner, do you actually expect you are the world’s best; first time out? If you do, there is no talking with you and I will no longer waste any more of your or my time.

I did participate in a query exchange recently and there was one individual that dumped on me because I didn’t respond fast enough to his post. After reading through his entire group of posts, I was easily able to recognize that he was unable to accept any critique of his work. To make matters worse, he was rude and belligerent to those who were only trying to help. It did not take long before no one would participate in his inquiries. Surprisingly, he seemed confused. Some never get it. Move on!

Anyone that has come forward to review your work, you need to be open minded. You must be appreciative and more than ever, you must be respectful. These individuals have invested their time to assist you, so treat them well.

If you really disagree with their advice, you can get a second opinion or even a third. You can submit your work to other BP’s. But if they all say the same, maybe it is time to reflect that you and your writing are the problem.

On the other hand, you can be open minded, try to see the issue from their point of view, because they represent your future readers. If you cannot satisfy them, then how can you satisfy your target audience?

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