Barbara Kyle Seminar

This week I was fortunate to take part in a coaching session with Barbara Kyle at the Sudbury Writer’s Guild. The main topic was how to "Crafting the Page-Turner: Magic and Verve in Your First 30 Pages".
Barbara spoke about three elements that can enhance the beginning of your novel:
The Hook
The Inciting incident
Getting the most juice out of setting
The hook should be in the first sentence or paragraph and should promise some kind of excitement. This is what captures both the reader and the agent. This can be accomplished by any of these eight techniques:
The Character’s name
Raise questions in the readers mind
Tell something about the plot
Foreshadow something about the plot
Show a personality quirk of the Main Character
Show Attitude by speech
Render suspenseful or mysterious
Start at Climax and backtrack
The Inciting Incident is the incident, moment or situation that throws your main character’s world out of balance and everything they do from that point on is to get what they want, change the situation, or get revenge.
This should happen as close to the beginning of the novel or story as possible.
Finally, the setting should have sensory detail, all five senses if possible. If should create:
Atmosphere – Tone that follows throughout the story
Phycology – How it feels, IE. Does the setting give you the creeps?
Reveal Character through attitude or feelings – Consider a while field of flowers as seen through the eyes of a grieving widow as compare to a young lover.
If you are interested, Barbara does do Submission Evaluations as well as speaks to different writer’s conferences. You can contact her through her website at