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The past few months have been very busy. I have been trying to get my first novel, NOT ANOTHER CHILD beta read and have not been successful. Seems the entrepreneurial expansion of the internet has created a ton of semi-professional editors that want to charge exorbitant fees for a read and critique.

One should be very careful while searching for a beta reader. Even through sites like GoodReads, there are a lot of individuals that post in the free section, but then want to charge you for a critique. It can be very frustrating.

I have found a site that doesn’t charge money, however, does charge you through critiques of other writers. The site is

When I first joined and there is a $9.00 fee for upkeep on the website, the idea of me critiquing other authors was intimidating. However after a few critiques, you can see how it’s done. You have to critique at least five (5) chapters before you can upload one of your chapters, but the mistakes or issued in the work of others, identify issues within your own work. You quickly start to see issues that you might have encountered, so it actually helps your own writing.

The idea of doing so many critiques prior to post yours is a way to keep you honest but also ensures that you get multiple critiques for your own work.

I have found some incredible critiques and comments that I never considered while writing and it has opened a whole new avenue for my stories. The more input you receive, the more avenues you are allowed.

There are a number of side groups that you can join so that you deal with your genre, like Sci-fi and Thriller. There is also a side group that allows for full book exchanges. This is a real boost to an author who has finished his/her novel and wishes to get feedback. However, you must reciprocate.

I have met some incredible authors who I think we will see mainstream soon, but I have also generated some credible critiques and actually gained an on-line following for my new novel, HOMEGROWN.

I highly recommend a visit.



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