Where to look for an Agent

My novel, Homegrown is as clean as I can make it. I have had it critiqued by numerous people and then gone through a number of edits. I now have to decide how I want to share it to the world. There are countless blogs and opinion pieces giving the different reasons to choose self publishing over traditional or straight to a publisher minus an agent or new some kind of hybrid.
I want someone else to deal with the distribution and the bulk of marketing while I start the next book, knowing that I will definitely play a role in marketing. All authors must promote their books. I have chosen to try to find an agent.
There are a number of ways to find an agent. There is a list of agents with their current contact information, Agencies and the type of genre they prefer. This list is published annually by Chuck Sambuchino of Writer’s Digest. New agents and those looking for certain genre also post on this site.
Another good site is Mark Malatesta’s The Best Selling Author . He also has a complete list of agents, which can be searched by location as well as genre.
Both sites have a ton of information on finding and dealing with agents and the publishing world.
One last site I will mention is Query Tracker. What is nice about this site is that it can track the queries you send out and can give you reminders when they are due. There is a genre search engine as well. The one issue is that the list of agents is not as complete as the other two sites
Other ways that you can find an agent to query is to check out your favorite authors that write in the same genre. They usually thank their agents in the acknowledgement section of the book. Google, writing blogs or magazines are also a great tools.