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The Waiting Game

So, I’m bursting at the seams. My first novel, In Defense of Innocence has been sent out to publishers and my second novel, Homegrown has been sent out for agent representation.

The entire process of learning how to write a novel has taken three years and four drafts. Having no formal training, I, like so many other authors have had to pick my way through the literary minefields, learning as I go.

Although frustrating at times, I think this passage of rights only enhances and reinforces the lessons I have learned along the way. Do I have more to learn?

Most definitely.

I do not think the learning will ever be complete, as every successful has their own take on how they reached literary success. There are techniques that I have yet to learn or require for today’s writing, but will be essential in future projects.

The hardest lesson of them all has to be PATIENCE! Whether you send your story in to a contest, agent, or publisher, the wait we all have to endure can be excruciating. I think I’ve refreshed my e-mail at least twenty times a day. The funny part about all of this is I have had requests from four publishers in the past week and the waiting has become even harder. At first it was to be noticed. Now it’s about having a product that is worthy enough to invest in.

Although it has been said often enough to be a cliché, it’s not that easy to dive into the next story with this nibbling at the back of your mind and you catch yourself constantly renewing your inbox.

Of course, I might be wishing for this time if my writing buddy, Randy Krzak’s (The Kurdish Connection) prediction comes true. He jokingly told me that I would be accepted by all four publishers and would have to spend my time trying to decide who to go with.

Worse things could happen.

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