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Busy as a Canadian Beaver!

The weather is heating up and so is my writing career. My debut novel, In Defense of Innocence is to be released April 16th, 2018. Now that it is up on Amazon for pre-order, I have been able to acquire an Amazon Author Page which can be visited via or just double click on the book cover image above. I have a number of books currently out for review. For those that are unaware, reviews are worth their weight in gold to an author. With the algorithms that Amazon uses, an author needs 50 reviews before Amazon actively promotes the book, so please take a minute or two to tell others whether you enjoyed the story or not.

I also have a Goodreads page. For those that like to see what others think about a book before investing in a particular author or novel, Goodreads is the one stop shopping. There are hundreds of reviews and readers talk openly about the good, bad and ugly of novels. As a pending author, I was able to put together an Author Page there as well. Please visit

Finally, I am already proof reading my second novel, Homegrown which is to be published by Crave Press in the Summer of 2018. We are also playing with cover designs and it is extremely exciting.

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