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Former deputy fire chief's novel delves into world of policing

Dave Wickenden worked in fire services for 31 years, ending his career in 2014 as deputy fire chief of the Greater Sudbury Fire Services.

But in his first novel, he steps into the shoes of a police officer instead.

“In Defense of Innocence” follows Janice Williams, head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s Child Sex Crimes Division, as she hunts child abusers only to be beaten to their capture by a vigilante who avenges the harms done to these innocent children.

When Janice uncovers the identity of the vigilante, she is faced with the dilemma to do her job to uphold the law or help this person escape a nation-wide manhunt.

While Wickenden worked closely with the police in his former career, he said it's actually his love of thrillers that settled him on this topic.

He said he's a voracious reader, going through a couple of books a week. Wickenden said he tried to write his own works a few times during his career, but life always got in the way.

After his retirement, Wickenden was finally able to trade penning staff reports for the type of writing he's always wanted to do.

“It's my turn to give back,” he said.

The book is being published by Crave Press, a small American publishing company based out of Pennsylvania.

Perhaps it's his background as a diligent city bureaucrat, but Wickenden has turned out to be pretty prolific.

His second novel, “Homegrown,” about a boy who gets involved with ISIS terrorist activities, expected to be also released by Crave Press this summer.

He's also got his third, fourth and fifth novels in the works, all with the same kind of grabbed-from-the-headlines-type plots.

“I read the papers all the time,” Wickenden said.

A book release party for “In Defense of Innocence” takes place at the downtown sandwich show Urban Cheese from 7-9 p.m. April 16.

You'll be able to purchase the book there and get it signed. Wickenden will also read from the book.

“In Defense of Innocence” will also be available as of April 16 online on Amazon as well as in local bookstores, including Sudbury Chapters and Bay Used Books.

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