Busy in the Summer Heat
My second novel, HOMEGROWN was released quietly in June and I have been getting a lot of great feedback. It is so exciting to find that my stories resonate with readers. It is very encouraging when it comes from both friends and complete strangers. What’s truly exciting is the repeat buyers who loved the first story and are anxious for the second. I have a few who are pushing me to write faster as they are anxious for the next novel. It really motivates you as a writer to keep banging away at the keys.

I have recently found some success with the short story genre. Last year I entered a competition and was fortunate to get accepted to be part of a collection of stories. The book, Flicker: Stories of the Inner Flame was published by Filles Vertes Publishing and one of my firefighting stories, BURNING LOVE was included in the anthology. Those interested can find this book at Amazon or through the publisher at:
Another Short Story, 300 SOULS ON THE LINE was picked up by Toronto Prose Mills and I have been working with two editors to make sure it is perfect before publication. This process has been a real learning opportunity and I was fortunate to have some great people to work alongside.
I have been doing book signings at different events throughout the summer. I hope to attend a couple days at the city’s Farmer’s Market. I am already booked for a Halloween and a Christmas event and look forward to talking to people about my stories. Although I was uncertain about this aspect of the process, I must say, I have really enjoyed meeting with book lovers and thank all those who supported me.
Words of advice: comfortable shoes.