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Creating an Author's Brand

We all have had this incredible dream of being the next Stephen King or Alice Monroe, but are we ready for it? Yes, we’ve been hitting the keys with all the dedication and time that our busy lives allow us or that we actively rip for ourselves, but what’s next? If you are serious of becoming an author, you need to start planning now rather than when you receive the sample copy from your publisher to prove that it’s actually happening.

The idea of branding is to create a presence that people can identify with. This can take years. It does not need to be time consuming or expensive. But you should be starting NOW!

So where do you begin?

Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or a handful of others. Most of are familiar with one or more of these. For most general accounts, we see political arguments, jokes (which sometimes are the same), recipes, games, or goofy human tricks. You name it, it’s on there.

My recommendation is to create an account that deals with writing; especially what you are writing. You of course will be inviting all your friends, but this account is where you add new contacts from other writers, bloggers, reviewers and information about new releases. This way, people get to know about you as a writer. When you do release a short story, novel, screenplay, of collection of poetry, people are ready to accept and look forward to what you have accomplished.

Facebook for me is for local people but also for groups that deal with similar subjects, like the Sudbury Writers Guild. I am also part of the Canadian Writers, Beta Readers and Critiques, and Passage to Publishing. By being active in these groups, you make friends, learn a ton about writing and people get to know you. Most of these groups are big on helping and motivation, but you get what you give.

Twitter is more international. To me, after being on it for awhile, I think it is of equal to greater importance than FB. Note: If your story will be on Amazon, Americans will probably be your biggest audience. On Twitter there are tons of writing games, like #AuthorConfession to get involved in that take a minute each day to play, but tells hundreds of people about you. This gets you out there. And if you are looking to put out a query to either an agent or publisher, you want to try your hand at a Twitterfest.

Instagram is the next big thing. It’s been around for a bit but as a branding and marketing tool it is growing leaps and bounds. Although you can comment, it doesn’t favor the political arguments and rants of FB or Twitter. I am still learning my way around these media.

Finally, do not forget the local community. You’re part of the Guild so consider this step one. Wordstock, Open Mics and library events all put you out there, so when you do launch your baby, people know you. Remember, all this takes time. The sooner you begin, the larger your brand will be when you have something to promote.

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