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Writing…. And Cancer

Two published novels, and a couple published stories, two more books before publishers and two more in the draft stages. Life has been busy and exciting.

It all came to a screeching stop about a month back when I began to pass blood in my urine. Snap straight to Google and of course, I will die. That’s it. All she wrote. This is truly the problem with the Internet.

Doctor visit, no visible blood in a urine test but come back if it happens again. It did—the next day. Actually, had my wife look into the toilet bowl to confirm I wasn’t making this up.

Back to the doctor. Ultrasound scheduled. Of course after drinking four liters of water, I misplace my requisition form and must redo the next day. The longest sigh in history as I release my bladder.

Four days later, Doctor calls and tells me that the ultrasound has show a mass in my bladder. Writing comes to a fast stop. This is getting real.

Whirlwind journey. Visit the Urologists on Wednesday, Scope on Friday. For something growing in me, it shocked me at how pretty the tumor was. Surgery scheduled five days later. Surgery goes well, post-op does not. Wasn't passing enough urine after Chemo treatment so a catheter had to be put back in—think bamboo sticks shoved under the fingernail that happens to be attached to your privates. Next morning after a troubled sleep, the catheter comes out and I bless the nurse with “Holy Water.” Doctor sticks his head in to say he believes he got all of the tumor and that it did not look like it grew outside of the bladder wall.

With that news and some much-needed sleep, I finally wrote again. CT-scan set for March 21st and follow up with the doctor on the 28th. Current WIP deals with the invasion of heaven so part of me must be trying to finish it in case I need a spot there. But the other part of me has decided that I have too many stories to write, so Fuck Cancer!

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