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My New Writing Room

So, it’s been a while since I last posted and much has happened. I completed the draft of my latest thriller, The Home Front. Since then, I have worked with a tremendous editor that helped make my manuscript shine. This editor, Robert (Robin) Carson taught university English and was an editor for a couple of Canadian literary newsletters. I fell in love with the process and will hopefully work with him again. Thanks to my friend and fellow author, Scott Overton for the hint to seek out Robin.

Robin had the patience to work through life’s up and downs. In mid-December, I found that the bladder cancer had produced a new tumor. On January 12, my surgeon cut it out and also shave my prostate to help me sleep through the night. Dr. Pianezza rocks!

However, two weeks later, the entire family came down with Covid-19. Both boys bounced back fairly quickly. My wife and I were sick for 14 days. She was showing improvement when I climbed the stairs from the basement, only to find myself in respiratory arrest. I could not draw in enough t catch my breath. I ended taking a ride in an ambulance and spent the next 13 days in isolation for both covid-19 and double lung pneumonia.

I spent my time writing new material, research agents to query, and binge watching the new Reacher, and Yellowstone (I loved both!!!). I returned home on oxygen and picked up a beta read. My editor and I got busy and all editing were completed. Now, I am sending out queries and receiving rejections (part of the process) hoping to find a match.

I am back to working on new content and plan on getting back with my ITA critique group as I was MIA during my sickness.

I’m still on oxygen and will probably be weak for another few months, but I can still pump out the next thriller.

Stay tuned.

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