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The Peace: A Warrior's Journey by Romeo Dallaire

Dallaire, who witnessed the horrors of genocide up close in Ruanda, examines the way we as a world, deals with wars world-wide. He argues that major decision makers use only their self interest as a guide, many atrocities are left to be carried out in small unimportant corners of the world. Using his own experiences and examples that are happening right now, he argues that we must change the way we approach these types of conflicts if we ever hope to reach a lasting peace.

I have to agree with most of what he says in this essay, but many of the ideas are dependent on world powers who only care about the increase of their own powers or interests, and some are simply insane. The makeup of the United Nations is its biggest barrier, especially with the amount of red tape involved when fast decisions are required.

Many of his ideas could bear positive fruit if we could get the major powers to listen, but I don’t see that happening in my lifetime.


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