10 Truths Only Writers Understand
Albert Einstein was once famously quoted as saying, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it...
Feb 15, 2016

The past few months have been very busy. I have been trying to get my first novel, NOT ANOTHER CHILD beta read and have not been...
Dave Wickenden
Jan 23, 2016

Barbara Kyle Seminar
​This week I was fortunate to take part in a coaching session with Barbara Kyle at the Sudbury Writer’s Guild. The main topic was how to...
Dave Wickenden
Jan 23, 2016

Beta Reader part deux
Okay, so you have sent your manuscript to the BR and after what seems like a lifetime, they send back the results. They may shine on...
Dave Wickenden
Nov 8, 2015

Beta Readers
It must be said that there are those who charge for the service and some who do not. Those who do, charge a fee that is relatively small...
Dave Wickenden
Nov 5, 2015

Author's Bio
Writing a bio can be very difficult, but some agents and most publishers demand it. If you don’t write it, they will and then you will...
Dave Wickenden
Oct 8, 2015

The Publishing Process Part #4
Creating the synopsis can be difficult but not impossible. You can search on-line for samples. The best advice that I have found is to...
Dave Wickenden
Oct 2, 2015

The Publishing Process #3
How the query letter is put together is definitely a controversial topic. I have so far seen five or six different types of query...
Dave Wickenden
Sep 29, 2015

Dave Wickenden
Sep 27, 2015

The Publishing Process Part #1
For a new or aspiring author, the publishing business can be a foreign landscape that catches the uninitiated off guard. It certainly...
Dave Wickenden
Sep 25, 2015